

About flopsels.com

This site is collection of ramblings and observations by a DevOps Coach/Engineer. The opinions on this site do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, or any other sane person.


To build and maintain this site a good fair number of tools are used. In no relevant order:


Everything here is edited using the One-True-Editor: Vim. Nothing can beat the simple elegance of this fine tool.

Site Rendering

Flopsels.com is a static site. That means that every single possible page is pre-rendered and stored on a file-system. This means far fewer security risks than a dynamic site, faster page loading times, and it allows me to write everything using Vim. Since I'm high-functioning lazy I do not actually write every single page by hand. Content is written in Markdown syntax, and all pages are then rendered to proper HTML using Hugo.

HTML/CSS/JS Frameworks

None. All HTML and CSS is hand-written (or templated), without a single framework or javascript library.